Social Events


Lightning Talk Challenge

Lightning Talk Challenge
  • To Be Confirmed in Málaga city
  • 14th May
  • Humorous!
Did you put forward a proposal for a talk at JOTB24 that wasn’t selected?

Are you interested in giving a presentation at J On The Beach this year and mingling with the rest of our speakers?

Or do you simply want to get up on stage for a few minutes and have fun giving a short talk?

If you answered yes to any of the above then you’re in luck.


Take part in our Lightning talk challenge!
This challenge is open to anyone and everyone, regardless of whether you have a conference ticket or not! Taking place in the evening of the 14th of May, the rules and format are very simple:

  • Talks must be humorous and entertaining.
  • The talks will last either 5 or 8 minutes.
  • After 4 minutes the audience will decide if you get an extra 4 minutes or if you get cut off at minute 5.

At the end of the session we’ll announce the lucky winner, who will then get the chance to give a 10 minute talk on the subject of their choice in one of the tracks at J On The Beach 2024!


Tech Quiz & Karaoke

Tech Quiz & Karaoke
On Thursday May 15th, all attendees are invited to a Tech Quiz and Karaoke night in Karaoke bar Vive la Vida (Av. de los Guindos, 29, local 7-8, 29004 Málaga), right next to the main venue.

The activity will start at 20:30h, after the first conference day with some beers and new tech-friends to make!

The Tech-Quiz will give you the chance to prove your knowledge about the topics of the events, to have fun but also to win a free ticket for J On The Beach 2026!

As for Karaoke: you don't have to be a professional singer to join! And then.. who doesn't become one after a couple of beers?! The winner of the Karaoke will also get a free ticket for the event!

Register NOW as it is free for all ticket holders but the capacity is limited so don't be papafrita!
- This event is only for ticket holders, but it's not too late to register if you haven't yet. You can buy your general ticket here.
- Capacity is limited so make sure to book your seat asap.